
Informal posts about what Pascual is doing


Hi again!
Starting off, I would just like to let you know that this entry is mostly just to fill the website up a bit more, haha.
That being said I do want to talk a little about my upcoming graduation ceremony and what it means to me.

There was a point in my life where I thought this would never be something I could do.
This devestated me for very deep and personal reasons and can be summed up as "I was failing at something that I and other thought was my inevible path."
I'm not really sure if that makes too much sense.
But for me to explain it in a way the gets across everything that I felt and thought and feel and think would require so many journal entries that I can't even come up with a number for how many.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that graduating is something that I'm very proud of.
What makes me happy about it though isn't the diploma, or prestige of a STEM degree, or the ceremony.
Actually, I couldn't care less about the ceremony.
What brings me the most joy, is the idea of moving onto the next step in my life.
Being able to finally go into a career where I can help shape the future fills me with purpose.
Being able to finally have the possibility of living an independent life brings me so much excitement.
And being able to say that I have grown to be a better person fills me with pride.

Also, as I mentioned briefly in my last entry, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without my parents.
They supported me in every way parents could.
The list goes on and on.
They can do anything and becuase of them, so can I.

Made by Pascual Garcia

last updated December 15, 2021