About Pascual Garcia

Who is Pascual

First generation Mexican-American, born and raised in central California and the eldest of three sons.
On his free time, he enjoys learning about new technology, reading contemporary fantasy novels, practicing culinary arts, and more.

Where is he now

Recently graduated from California State University, Bakersfield with a bachelors of science in computer science.
Currently working at his family's restaurant after finishing his time working as an Instructional Student Assistant while also practicing his programming skills and researching frameworks to better prepare himself to enter a career in software development.
Some examples of his programming skills and knowledge include C++, C, HTML, CSS, Java, SQL, distributed systems, network security, relational databases, algorithm analysis, and engineering concepts.
He is currently learning how to use Amazons Web Service, Javascript, and the React framework while also researching different certifications to earn.
Also, looking and applying for entry level software engineering positions at several different companies.

What's in his future

Starting his career in software development at any location for a good company.
After working for 2-3 years, he would like to earn a Masters Degree in Software Engineering at the University of California, Irvine.
Fill out his portfolio with successful professional and personal projects.
Continue to grow and learn

Made by Pascual Garcia

last updated December 15, 2021